Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful For Maggie

Thankfulness comes in many ways. I rescued Maggie from the pound, twelve years ago.
Maggie was a gift to me. She was easy going ,warm, sweet and never trouble. She blended right in with the other cats and dogs and seemed to always enjoy the mix in our home. We all miss her and her quiet manner. I am Thankful for her company and her trust in me.
Blessings to all and remember the little ways in life. Brook

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pumpkins and Mixed Skies

Fall skies, raindrops.
Beautiful skies, almost nightly.
Wish you were here, breathtaking.

Pumpkins Here, For Sale.

Pumpkin light covers on walkway.

Pumpkin light covers on walkways.

Bye Bye Summer, Bye Bye Pool.